
Friday, June 21, 2019

Amelia Earhart

“Kamusta Railey, how are you today,”  said Mrs Tafea and I responded “Malo e lelei Mrs.Tafea I am doing perfectly fine”
“Today we were going to be learning heroes from the past.”  “Awesome” about the famous aviator named Amelia Earhart”

It all began with a girl named Amelia EarHart that was born on July 24, 1897, When she was a child she like watching planes fly on her television. Even though her family had a difficult life her parents encourage her to try new things. Few years later Amelia Earhart went to a plane for a first time. Suddenly she immediately knew she wanted to learn to fly a plane. With all her mom's help Amelia Earhart worked jobs to raise money for her flying lessons. After her hard 10 hours of training she finally made her very first flight. A few years later she made enough money to buy her very own plane which is called Canary because of the plane's bright yellow color. In 1928 Amelia Earhart received a call from Captain Hilton H Railey he asked if Amelia Earhart want to join a two pilot plane. Name friendship On June 17 1928 to United States to Europe. Amelia was the first women who cross the Atlantic ocean in an Airplane but didn't pilot the flight. Amelia also received a lot of things and was famous when she went home. In May 1932 Amelia Earhart made another journey across the Atlantic ocean but this time she went all by herself but also set a new record and did you know that President Herbert Hoover rewarded Amelia a medal for Distinguished Flying Cross for what she Accomplished. In June 1937 Amelia made her most ambitious for her final flight, along with a navigator named Fred Noonan, Amelia planned to go all around the world. When they were on their way around the world they were first headed to Miami to South America to Thailand then Australia. during their trip around the world,the last communication with the plane was 8:45 AM on July 2, 1937. the investigator and Navy's searched for the plane and the aviator but they didn't find a trace/sign of the plane or the aviator. “Well, what do you think about the story”
“It was a mindblowing story”

It must have been a very heartbreaking shattering news for Amelia's family finding out that her daughter has been in a tragic accident…

“It is also a very shattering news for her family because the body wasn't recovered or the plane”.

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