Zebrafish text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AfZGT3Fw8xj7Mh_A0OxjRzK_qOIYHrko/view
New words: .
Anatomy- study of the body.
Post-fertilization - after the boy part and girl part come together to make a baby (when the cells combine)
Himalayas - mountain range that separates China and India
Embryo - a group of cells that turn into a baby or egg
Genetic - relating to your DNA
Himalayas - A country that has a lot of Mountains
Ganges - a long river in India
Organs - body parts
Juvenile - child/teenager
Sections - slices
Stained with dyes - putting different coloured liquids onto it so you can see different parts
Coronal - cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back
Transverse - cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body
Sagittal - cutting in half vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.
Railey - zebrafish lives in a river in india, and they were known to be transparent/see through, and scientist study them because zebrafish don't take long grow and because they see through the egg so they didn't have to use xray and it only takes 2 to 3 days to grow or hatch an egg and they can survive for about 2 to 7 years depending of where they are. Scientist cuts them in different way to see or learn about them
These are the kind of cuts:
Coronal - cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back
Transverse - cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body
Sagittal - cutting in half vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.
Scientists also cut them in different ages(hour/days post fertilization) and take pictures or use dye of what they look like when they grow up and how long they are or see their body part like eyes and body.
this is picture shows how a zebrafish looks when its a 3 day old fish cut in coronal way.
this is zebrafish cut in a traverse it has a length of 3.5mm
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