
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Spoon Race and the Rob The Nest

Spoon Race and the Rob The Nest

On a beautiful windy morning at Tamaki Primary School, (Tuesday, 22nd October 2019) Room 8 had a very exciting morning, that was planned for our writing lesson, which was an entertaining and very challenging game of spoon race and Rob the Nest. I was very excited of what we're doing  because it’s about teamwork and we get to play against each other.

Before we play a game, We had to Plan a game that we could run but also work as a team so we chose to play Spoon Race, a Spoon Race is a game where you hold the spoon with a fruit on it and race to the END!. While we were sitting down on the mat, Mrs. Tafea picked a number on all of us to know which team we were on. My team were, George, Pauliasi, Eve, me, Mohokoi and finally Boisi. After sorting out our team into 4 groups, we lined up, and walked to the basketball court and wait until the cones were put. Meanwhile, the Cones were set up, and got split our team in 3 people and lined up on each side of the court, one person from each team gets one spoon and a kiwi, in my side the first person that was going was Eve and finally the game started Ready Get Set Go! Eve gently walk to end and got it to our teammates from the other side of the court, me and my team was cheering to our teammate so much, but suddenly it was me next I got nervous because I might make fall so I went slow and gently and got it to my teammates and I was so surprised because I made to the other side of the court.

After two rounds of Spoon Race we played another game, Rob The Nest, Rob The Nest needs two sides, each has the same amount of people and each person must have a number, so for example when the teacher calls out a number one person from each side with the same number has to go rush to the middle and get the ball to your side, but if you get in touch with the other team wins. After a few rounds of Rob The Nest  I finally got called, and I was going against my teacher. I sprinted to the middle and carefully take the ball but suddenly the sliped of my hand and my teacher got goal. After my game my friends got called, I was cheering so loud, and then suddenly, GOAL! My friend got the goal we were cheering and so surprised because he was running so fast like a running Cheetah.

At the end, we went back to class and came back exhausted and I think today was really fun and very entertaining because we went against each other and work as a team. And also I learned new things like, working as a team and be careful of what your holding or else it might fall.

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