WALT-continue a reapiting patern
The 12th car will have star becuase the 11th would be the hearth and the 12 would be the star becuase the
Heart is 1 and then the star 2 .
The 18 car will have a circle becuase the 16th is hearth and the 17th is star and the 18th would be the circle
The 24th car will be a triangle becuase the 21th is heart
And the 22 is star and the 23 is circle and the 24 is triangle.
The 17th car will be the star becuase the 16th is heart and the 17th is star.
The 27th car will be the star because the 26 is the heart and the 27 would be the star.
The 31th car will be the heart becuase the 30 is the square and thats why the heart is 31
The 53th car will be the circle becuase the 52 is star thats why the 53 is circle